Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Assignment 8

Make a detailed lesson plan in Science for Grade IV.
The subject matter is The Solar System.
You can use any reference book.
Write your lesson plan in a yellow pad.
Follow the steps we have in Mathematics.
Lesson plans to be collected on Saturday at 9:oo am.

Thank You

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Assignment 7

Listed below are topics for each subject. State your objectives for each subject matter
showing the 3 domains. [cognitive, psychomotor,affective].
A. Parts of a Plant [Science]
B. Proper Nouns [English]
C.Ordinal Numbers [Mathematics]
D. Ang Alamat Ng Pinya [Filipino]
E. Mga Pambansang Sagisag [Makabayan]
Write only the objectives

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Assignment 6

  1. identify the learning objectives under the psychomotor domain and the instructional objectives under the affective domain.
  2. give examples of key words used in writing objectives in the 3 domains.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Assignment 5

1. What are the sources of objectives for teaching?

2.Identify the categories of objectives and explain each.
3.What should be determined after objectives are stated?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Assignment 4

The main role of the teacher is to bring about the learners desirable learning . He should
be proficient in the skills necessary to carry out his responsibilities and tasks. One of
these skills is planning wherein he applies sound principles of teaching.
Careful planning gives a teacher sense of confidence most especially if he follows sequence
of steps. Here is a teaching cycle. How are you going to arrange this in proper sequence
to promote desirable learning?
a.Motivating students and guiding learning activities
b.setting of objectives selecting contents
c.diagnosing needs; interets and abilities
d.following through
e.measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress
f.preparing instructional units and making lesson plans
g.preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies
Explain each briefly.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Assignment 3

1.One principle of learning is that "Sometimes learning is a painful process."
Cite an instance to this principle.
2 " . Education should bring the school closer to the people." In what ways is
this principle applied to our educational system?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Assignment 2

1. Identify the 5 phases of learning.

2. What are the characteristics of learning? Explain each briefly.
3. Give your reaction to this: Teaching is an art.

Teaching is a science.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Assignment 1

1. How does a teacher show the true essence of professionalism?

2.What are the factors that help a teacher to facilitate learning?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


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