Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Assignment 4

The main role of the teacher is to bring about the learners desirable learning . He should
be proficient in the skills necessary to carry out his responsibilities and tasks. One of
these skills is planning wherein he applies sound principles of teaching.
Careful planning gives a teacher sense of confidence most especially if he follows sequence
of steps. Here is a teaching cycle. How are you going to arrange this in proper sequence
to promote desirable learning?
a.Motivating students and guiding learning activities
b.setting of objectives selecting contents
c.diagnosing needs; interets and abilities
d.following through
e.measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress
f.preparing instructional units and making lesson plans
g.preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies
Explain each briefly.


  1. c.diagnosing needs; interest and abilities
    • This will help the teacher to find out who his students are and what they might be expected to achieve. Discovering the students’ needs can help the teacher in planning experiences that will help them satisfy their needs.
    b.setting of objectives selecting contents
    • Selecting appropriate learning materials suited to the needs and interests of students. The instructional objectives describe what students are expected to do at the completion of the instructional sequence to show what they have learned.
    g.preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies
    • Once the objectives have been established, the teacher has to decide on the technique that will help students achieve the goals.
    f.preparing instructional units and making lesson plans
    • This involves organizing information about individual students, objectives, materials and techniques into a resource unit that can serve as reference to the teacher as he does his work from day to day.
    a.Motivating students and guiding learning activities
    • This involves looking into ways by which students may develop interest and desire to learn and planning interesting activities to achieve the objectives using the appropriate techniques.
    e.measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress
    • This involves the development of plans for testing and for making judgments about the performance of the individual students.
    d.following through
    • Putting up plans for follow up lessons on materials that the students have not learned well as shown by the results of evaluation.

  2. 1. Diagnosing needs; interest and abilities
    - it imparts to the teacher the necessisty of discovering the needs, interests and capabilities of the students.

    2. Setting of objectives selecting contents
    - it involves selecting appropriate learning materials suited to the needs and interests of students. The instructional objectives describe what students are expected to do at the completion of the instructional sequence to show they have learned.

    3. Preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies
    - To provide for an intellectual setting and an emotiuonal atmosphere conducive to learning, it will help the teache to keep in mind that orderly, well-disciploined class is essential for successful teaching and learning.
    4. Preparing instructional units and making lesson plans
    - an instructional unit is a planned sequence of learning activities or lessons covering a period of several weeks and centered aroud some major concepts. Lesson plans give a senseof direction and organization to both teacher an students.
    5. Motivating students and guiding learning activities
    - the task of the teacher is to make students undertake activities that will result in the desired learning. In order to learn, the students must do the work and undertake the learning activities themselves.
    6. Measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress
    - it involves development of plans for testing and for making judgements about the performance of the individual students. Evaluation should b epart of eqch of the teasks as a built-in mechanism to help in the modification of plans as previously prepared.
    7. following through
    - means putting up plans for follow-up lessons on materials that the student have not learned well as shown by the results of evalution.

  3. a. Diagnosing needs and interest and abilities,
    b. Selecting of objectives and selecting contents
    c. Preparing instructional units and lesson plan
    d. Preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies
    e. motivating students and guiding learning activities
    f measuring , evaluating, grading student performance and reporting progress
    g. following through
    For me, it is important to determine first the needs and interest and abilities of the students, knowing these things, you may now come up to have objective/s and contents to meet those needs and interest. Next is preparing the lesson plan, if you have lesson plan already, you will have idea how to prepare the setting, and what appropriate instructional strategies. Motivating students to learn will be a great help for students will have interest in studying ,next is measuring , evaluating, grading student performance and reporting progress, by these you will know If students are grasping the knowledge and the required skills and competencies, after grading the performances you should do the following through in order to make some follow up, and to know if there’s something the student can’t understand.

  4. a. Diagnosing needs; interest and abilities
    - assessing and knowing beforehand the needs of the students will help the teacher on the planning and preparing of the teaching process.
    b. Setting of objectives selecting contents
    - the phase where the teacher select the appropriate learning tools and teaching strategies appropriate for the students. Learning objectives should be specifically identify.
    c. Preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies
    - in order to have an effective learning process the teacher should provide a conducive environment and carefully diagnose the suited strategies for the subject matter.
    d. Preparing instructional units and making lesson plans
    - this is the phase where the teacher is organizing the instructional materials such as the curriculum being used for the making of the lesson plans.Lesson plan is the guide/the bible of the teacher throughout the learning process,its objective should be followed.
    e. Motivating students and guiding learning activities
    - teaching motivations is essential to make the students interested in the subject matter. Their passion to learn should be enhance in the most creative way. Through learning activities, the students should be well guided by the teachers.
    f. Measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress
    - it involves the presentation of the learning outcomes. the product of the whole process is being determined in this stage.
    g. following through
    - the teacher should make plans for follow- up lessons on the certain topic that the student did not understand based on assessment and evaluation.

  5. a. Diagnosing needs; interest and abilities
    - the teacher must monitors the understanding and performance of students before teaching the lesson, while teaching, and after teaching the lesson.
    b. Setting of objectives selecting contents
    - Setting of objectives is one best teaching practices that a teacher must do. The point of writing objectives before the class starts is that you need to be clear about your objectives in order to make decisions about the choice of materials or in selecting of your content like text book, kinds of assignments, teaching methods, and everything else. The objectives should facilitate the rest of your planning and set the ground work for what you will include in the lesson so that your students understand the objectives for the course.
    c. Preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies
    - This is about setting the scene in which the learning will take place. At one level the teacher needs to think about preparing the physical environment in which the learning will take place. The teaching strategies you select will depend directly on your course objectives. If you want your students to be capable of applying course material, you will not only have to present factual material through readings and lectures, but also show them how to develop generalizations from the background knowledge (discussion, study problems, assignments).
    d. Preparing instructional units and making lesson plans
    - This will be the guiding tool of the teacher and developed by a teacher to guide class instruction. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the need and/or curiosity of children. There may be requirements mandated by the school system regarding the plan.
    e. Motivating students and guiding learning activities
    - This is what we call learning while playing. Nowadays students are more playful and energetic. They love to play and having fun at the same time. Attending to need satisfaction of the students is a primary method of keeping students interested and happy. Many students have a need to have fun in active ways--in other words, they need to be noisy and excited. Rather than always avoiding or suppressing these needs, design an educational activity that fulfills them.
    f. Measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress
    - evaluation strategies can encourage students to keep up with the material and enhance students' academic engagement and achievement in class.
    g. Following through
    - Follow up lessons is part of assessing the students in the class. In this situation, the teacher may assess the students if they learned or they understood the discussion.

  6. 1.diagnosing needs; interest and abilities:
    assessing the student will help the teacher determine the needs of the student. To know what intervention must be done.
    2.setting of objectives selecting contents:
    selecting appropriate contents that is suitable to the needs of the student.
    3.preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies:
    the setting must be conducive for learning and the use of instructional materials that can be helpful for enhancing the interest of the students
    4.preparing instructional units and making lesson plans:
    the teacher organized what should be the lesson for the day or for the week. Planning is important in order to be prepared in the task in the school.
    5.motivating students and guiding learning activities:
    the interest of the student in the topic is important. Even the topic is well planned if there is no interest with in the student the goal cannot be attained
    6.measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress:
    evaluation is done to know if the goal is attained. If the student absorb learning or not. to know if the learning strategy is effective for the students.
    7.following through:
    making follow up to the student. Going back to the cycle and making the best way in order for the student to learn.

  7. 1.diagnosing needs; interest and abilities
    (you must have an assessment first for you to know the interest and capabilities of the person)

    2.setting of objectives selecting contents
    (setting and making objectives is the first step. you must select an appropriate content)

    3.preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies
    (it is important to prepare the settings and selecting appropriate strategies. this will be the foundation of the teaching style)

    4.preparing instructional units and making lesson plans
    (the teacher must have an effective and lesson plan, s/he must know what to teach evereyday)

    5.motivating students and guiding learning activities
    (every teacher must motivate their student for them to have a more interest in learning and give them some guidance for them to feel that you really care for them)

    6.measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress
    (involves presentation of learning outcomes. in this stage it will determine the product of an outcome)

    7.following through
    (giving follow to the students is an essential part for it measures the reliability of an learner)

  8. c.diagnosing needs; interets and abilities

    The teacher should consider the students' interest and abilities because this would help in preparing what teaching strategy to use.

    b.setting of objectives selecting contents

    After knowing the needs of the students we can already set the objectives and the content.

    f.preparing instructional units and making lesson plans

    The teacher may now prepare the instructional units and lesson plan based on the needs, abilities and objectives.

    g.preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies

    There should be a good place for learning. The classroom should be well decorated and conducive for learning.

    a.Motivating students and guiding learning activities

    The teacher should motivate the students by giving them fun activities that would surely catch their attention.

    e.measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress

    This should be done so the teacher will know if the students have learned the lesson.

    d.following through

    The teacher should give follow ups so the students can apply what they've learned.

  9. g.preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies-the place should be conducive to learning.
    b.setting of objectives selecting contents-curriculum for the quarter should be made ahead of time.
    c.diagnosing needs; interets and abilities-educator should be aware of the student's weaknesses and strengths.
    f.preparing instructional units and making lesson plans-contents of the les.plan and using of aids should meet the learners interests.
    a.Motivating students and guiding learning activities-teaching strats. and the inclusion of tech.should be abreast to get the student's interests and to cater their needs.
    e.measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress-different types of assessment should be made to see the
    effectiveness of the teach.strat.and to evaluate the learners performance.
    d.following through-educator should be aware in observing how the learner acquired the knowledge by giving some follow up activities.

  10. 1. Diagnosing needs; interest and abilities
    A teacher needs to know how to connect with the students and finding out their mood at that point and their interests is one way to win them over. Furthermore, a teacher should be able to help students strengthen their abilities and discover new ones while reinforcing and strengthening areas of weakness.

    2. Setting of objectives selecting content
    A teacher must have a specific goal to achieve at the end of the class/session to ensure an actual learning process.

    3. Preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies.
    A teacher must create an environment where learning could be made easier and also be selective with the information taught since not all information has to be learned at certain grade levels.

    4. Preparing instructional units and making lesson plans
    This is the blueprint or guideline the teacher has planned to cover for the particular session.

    5. Motivating students and guiding learning activities
    For effective teaching and learning process to occur the lesson should be taught in a way that students would be motivated to learn. Activities should be carried out to reinforce the learning process.

    6. Measuring; evaluating; grading student performance and reporting progress
    It involves keeping a constant check on the student performance and how much of the lesson they have retained in their memory. This stage will show how effective the teaching process was.

    7. Following through
    This is an effective measure of reliability when a teacher follows up on students to ensure the extent of how much they have understood and their ability to recap what was taught.

  11. As an educator we must practice these qualities to be more efficient, and we need to follow these method:

    As an educator, we need to know and understand the needs of our students so that we can connect with them. And in that way, we can teach them well in their level of understanding and we can help them strengthen their skills and abilities.

    As an educator, we have to set our goals and specific objectives in order for us to attain our desired lesson.

    As an educator, we have to prepare for our lesson everyday, make the lesson easy to understand, lively discussion, fun and educational activities and friendly and comfortable atmosphere.

    As an educator, we must always have a blueprint of our lesson because this serves as our guidelines and foundation to achieve our lessons.

    As an educator, it is very important that we have the focus of our students to our lessons so that they can understand the lesson and enjoy the class. We can do this by giving different activities that is related to the lesson but they can enjoy.

    As an educator, it is part of our job to check if the students really learned the lesson and they were able retain it. So aside from the activities that were given we have to give exams and other forms of evaluation.

    As an educator, another part of our job is to check the students memory if they were able to retain the lessons that they have learned. And this is one way of measuring reliability.

  12. a. Diagnosing needs; interests and abilities- Since the child is considered the center of the educative process, his age, grade, maturity, health and maturity must be considered. The needs and characteristics of the students impact what to teach and how to teach it.
    b.Setting of objectives selecting contents – Objectives are necessary to guide learning. The teacher specifies learning goals and identifying competencies students must develop. The teachers divides these overall goals for the year into units. Objectives may include more than one content area. In developing objectives, teachers must keep two important questions in mind (1) Have I reviewed the objectives for the year and organized them for thematic flow? and (2) have I considered the sequence of objectives and rearranged them if necessary, putting more concrete concepts before more abstract ones?
    c.Preparing instructional units and making lesson plans- Teachers need to select a topic that can be taught in the allotted time that you are given. There are many factors that a teacher must take into account when selecting a topic to teach. Some factors that you will want to consider in selecting your topic are: goals of the curriculum; what the learners already know; needs and characteristics of the learners; subject matter standards; educational research on best practices; everyday matters such as availability of equipment and supplies,or alterations in the school schedule
    d. Preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies. A well-managed class is conducive to mental growth and development. Class should have a desirable atmosphere for both the teachers and the learners so they can work better and longer (proper ventilation; class routines; materials and texts, etc.)
    e. Motivating students and guiding learning activities- First, a teacher must believe that all children can learn. When the teacher have identified the behavior or behaviors that learners should be able to perform, the teacher’s task is to develop learning experiences that will help each child learn these behaviors.
    f.Measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress – Evaluation continuously evaluate the effectiveness of his/her teaching and also to know if the student has making progress, whether or not the student is attaining his goals. The evaluation can be formative or summative. It is important to be able to determine the extent to which each and every student met the objectives. Clearly, the teacher will want to know if his/her students learned what was taught to them. In order to assess learning, the teacher must have a baseline or pre-assessment of what students know prior to instruction as well as an indication of what they know after instruction.
    g. Following through- Determining the effectiveness of your teaching can be accomplished by comparing students' performance before and after instruction. These assessments can provide information about the effectiveness of the instruction and how much the students learned. Good teachers view teaching as a process that requires continual refinement. Reflecting on which instructional approaches and strategies worked or didn't work is essential if teachers are to continually improve their teaching and better meet the needs of their students

  13. 1.DIAGNOSE THE NEEDS, INTEREST AND THE ABILITIES OF THE LEARNER - to have an effective teaching method, first we must always know who and what are we teaching. By knowing their interests, it will be easier to create a curriculum and lesson plans that will have the students interested.

    2.SELECT THE OBJECTIVES - We have to base our objectives on the learners and schools objectives. We will not attain or achieve our goals and objectives if we do not know our students.

    3.PREPARE FOR THE SETTING, FOR LEARNING AND APPROPRIATE STRATEGIES - Teaching methods depends on the students and just like the first two, we need to know our students first in order to know what methods are we going to use.

    4.PREPARE INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS AND LESSON PLAN - This will help for the students to understand better and learn easier because it will be a step-by-step process.

    5.MOTIVATES STRENGTHENS AND GUIDE THE LEARNING ACTIVITIES - Motivation eases the learning process because the students are interested and are having fun. Experience is the best teacher and teachers are the facilitator and motivators.

    6.Measure and evaluate students - To know the progress of the students, we need to keep track of their assessments. As a teacher we need to know if our students are learning and is making progress.

    7.Have a thorough follow up - We always need to check if our methods are up to par so that we can always improve if our teaching methods do not apply to some students.

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