Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Assignment 6

  1. identify the learning objectives under the psychomotor domain and the instructional objectives under the affective domain.
  2. give examples of key words used in writing objectives in the 3 domains.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Assignment 5

1. What are the sources of objectives for teaching?

2.Identify the categories of objectives and explain each.
3.What should be determined after objectives are stated?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Assignment 4

The main role of the teacher is to bring about the learners desirable learning . He should
be proficient in the skills necessary to carry out his responsibilities and tasks. One of
these skills is planning wherein he applies sound principles of teaching.
Careful planning gives a teacher sense of confidence most especially if he follows sequence
of steps. Here is a teaching cycle. How are you going to arrange this in proper sequence
to promote desirable learning?
a.Motivating students and guiding learning activities
b.setting of objectives selecting contents
c.diagnosing needs; interets and abilities
d.following through
e.measuring;evaluating;grading student performance and reporting progress
f.preparing instructional units and making lesson plans
g.preparing the setting for learning and selecting appropriate instructional strategies
Explain each briefly.