Thursday, July 21, 2011

Assignment 2

1. Identify the 5 phases of learning.

2. What are the characteristics of learning? Explain each briefly.
3. Give your reaction to this: Teaching is an art.

Teaching is a science.


  1. 1. 5 Phases of Learning
    - thinking
    - doing
    - involvement
    - empowerment
    - system-building

    2. Characteristics of Learning

    - Purposeful: the student has to know what he/she wants to do and what he/she wants to achieve.
    - Result of Experiences: The students learn from their personal experiences, be it emotional, intellectual, or psychological.
    - Multifaceted: The students may learn more if they fully exercise their mind and feelings.
    - Activity Process: The student reacts and responds to whatever they are learning.

    3. Teaching is an ART
    - Art is the end result of one's thoughts, feelings, or ideas.If people can relate to what you have produced through art then you successfully pass your message. same thing with teaching, if our students will be able to apply the things they have learned from school then we could say we successfully accomplish our mission as a teacher.
    Teaching is a SCIENCE
    Science composes of principles, laws and theories, same thing with teaching, we follow certain laws, principles , and theories in making a lesson plan, generating quizzes, etc.

    Therefore, Teaching is a combination of Art and Science. We need to use the principles, laws, theories to make a plan n how we will teach lessons or things in a manner that our students can relate or apply the things they have learned from us in theur daily life.

  2. 1. Identify the 5 phases of learning.
    a. Unconscious incompetence – the learner is not aware of a skill/behavior he needs. The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize the deficit “I don’t know what I don’t know”.
    b. Conscious incompetence – conscious awareness of the behavior/skill has to occur I know what I don’t know
    c. Conscious competence – The individual understands or knows how to do something. However, demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. “ I know what I know”
    d. Unconscious competence – the behavior comes naturally without thought requires every learner to keep on working, practicing using and using and using the skill. The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become "second nature" and can be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while executing another task.” I don’t know what I know”
    e. Reflective or enlightened competence – The individual may be able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned. “I am aware that I don’t know what I know but I can shift back into conscious competence to teach someone else”

    2. What are the characteristics of learning? Explain each briefly.

    1. Learning is a fundamental process of life.
    2. It is a continuous process it effects all modes of behaviour. (learning should not stop on one aspect, it should be continuous)
    3. Learning is change in response or behaviour, may be favorable or unfavorable. (when we learn something, we apply it to our lives thus may result to change in behavior)
    4. It is a process of change not a product in the form of changed behaviour. (learning is a process, we cant learn only in step 1, we need to go to step 2 and go back to step 1 to evaluate.)
    5. Learning takes place when an organism reacts in a situation. (like the phrase, experience is the best teacher. We learn on the basis of what is happening to our life. )
    6. Learning is universal. (learning is universal as it is applicable to all. We all have the capability to learn, it only differs “we want to learn” attitude)
    7. Learning is total reaction of the individual to the total situation.
    8. Learning is transferable. (if were able to learn, we could be able to teach others. As we could transfer information from one person to another)
    9. Learning is a process and not a product. (learning is a process that needs to be continouse, the product is the effect of what we learn. )
    10. The process of learning is determined by conscious as well as unconscious experiences. (we can also learn from simple things that could happen in our life. we should not be limited to learn from our mistakes)
    3. Give your reaction to this: Teaching is an art.
    Teaching is an art because you just give instruct students to this and that, rather educators need to be creative for the learners to learn effectively. And because for me art means passion, so teaching is a passion.
    Teaching is a science.
    Teaching is a science. Which means teaching is knowledge. Educators are the system than create knowledge to learners to form explanation about an existing subject. We are viewed as a reliable source of knowledge, just how we view science. We believed what science taught us.

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  4. 1. Identify the 5 phases of learning.

    -Problem diagnosis
    -Goal setting
    -New behavior

    2. What are the characteristics of learning? Explain each briefly.

    -LEARNING IS DEVELOPMENTAL, as the individual grows he acquires various types of knowledge and skill that he can use to his successful adjustments.

    -LEARNING IS INTERACTIVE, when learner reacts to his environmental stimuli he is going to learn. reactions may be in form of verbal communication, manipulation nd habit learning.

    -LEARNING IS BASIC, learning is a kind of relationship that exist between stimulus and responses. when connection between these two established, it then takes the character of a habit.

    3. Give your reaction to this: Teaching is an art.
    -Teaching is an art because, you learn to to be creative in so many ways, teachers are like artists that leaves impression to students' life.

    -Science, yes, because we try to give/ fill the students' mind with facts.

  5. 1. Five Phases of Learning
    2.Generation of ideas
    3.Restructing of ides
    4.Application of ideas

    2. Characteristics of learning
    1.Learning is a fundamental process of life.
    As the person evolve learning process is taking place as well.
    2.It is a continuous process it affects all modes of behavior.
    As long as the person lives the learning process is continuously happening.
    3.Learning is a change in response on behavior, may be favorable or unfavorable.
    It is the application of learning in the real life scenario, may be a positive or negative response.
    4.It is a process of change not a product in the form of changed behavior.
    Learning is determined through a changed of behavior.
    5.Learning takes place when an organism reacts in a situation.
    When a person respond to a certain experience,he/she is learning.
    6. Learning is universal.
    Learning takes place to all the people.
    7.Learning is total reaction of the individual to the total situation.
    8.Learning is transferable.
    It is like the process of pay it forward. What we learn,we can teach or share.
    9.Learning is a process not a product.
    Learning can be acquire through a step by step process, the product is the learning outcomes.
    10.The process of learning is determined by conscious as well as unconscious experiences.
    A person's life experiences is a product of learning.

    3.Teaching is an art
    Teaching like the creative arts requires full use of intellectual, manual and practical skills. Creating materials and programs within the curriculum that excites,stimulates and move the students to excel in all their activities.
    Teaching is science
    Teachers must be scientific in presenting the facts and information to the students.

  6. 1. The 5 phases of learning: (Learning knowledge, skills and attitude)
    a. Unfreezing - phase where an individual becomes ready to learn.
    b. Problem diagnosis- the identification of areas needed to improve through learning.
    c. Goal setting- stating the end-target after teaching and learning.
    d. New behavior- presenting the new learning through action and change in behavior.
    e. Refreezing- continuous application of the learning in everyday life.

    2. Characteristics of learning.
    a. Learning is developmental. As the individual ages and experience new things, there is a need to gain new KSA so that they can adapt, survive and interact with the environment and satisfy his changing needs as well as those around him.
    b. Learning is interactive. Gaining new KSA strictly on your own is not possible because each individual is surrounded by their own environment which includes other people, plants, animals, objects and events from where they discover things. Because of this, one has to learn how to respond correctly to his surroundings so that he can live harmoniously and survive.
    c. Leaning is basic. Since individual is surrounded by his environment, stimulus is everywhere such as the feel of the wind, the smell of food, the look of other people, the taste of food, the emotions of other people and a lot more. Because of this, the individual gets used to these things and learn how to respond to it, distinguish what is good and bad and realizes the importance of these things.

    3. “Teaching is an art”. Art is an approach or a method of arranging or presenting things and ideas to other people. To facilitate learning, one must apply different approach because each individual respond differently and grows in different pace. In addition, there is a wide-range of ideas and objects to teach and the teacher must choose the appropriate strategy to make other people appreciate and understand the idea being taught.

  7. 1. Identify the 5 phases of learning.
    •Novice - beginning awareness of subject area, but only abstract concepts and ideas.
    •Advanced Beginner - marginal learning to an acceptable performance level after gaining experience coping with real experiences.
    •Competent - exposure to and a working knowledge of a number of knowledge areas making up the subject.
    •Proficient - gained from experience in diverse situations.
    •Expert - fully internalized both perception and action into their normal work processes.

    2. What are the characteristics of learning? Explain each briefly.
    •Learning is developmental- knowledge, skills, habits are acquired during growth & development.
    •Learning is interactive- learning takes place through communication. Others learn from us & we learn from them as well. Exchanging of ideas is done.
    •Learning is basic- a connection between stimulus and responses exists.
    3. Give your reaction to this:
    “Teaching is an art”
    In studying classroom methodologies & theories, it is apparent that they come about through observation. By changing certain variables in the class & the way it is taught changes the outcome. This is very scientific approach to teaching. However, the creativity that is involved in changing the variables is where the art shines through. The art of teaching refers to recognizing aesthetic & ethical constrains that shape teaching & informs its methods.

    “Teaching is a science”
    Teaching is a science since it moves forward from methodologically sound & rigorous practice producing outcomes in terms of student learning & achievement that can be empirically measured. We can consider teaching as science due to modern technologies. A lot of focus is being put on the science of teaching, experimenting on how certain technologies affect students & are incorporated in the classroom.

  8. 1. Identify the 5 phases of learning.
    ~ The five phases of learning are unfreezing, problem diagnosis, goal setting, new behavior and refreezing

    2. What are the characteristics of learning? Explain each briefly.
    ~Learning is developmental- includes the knowledge, skills, talents of an individual by gaining experience as they grow
    ~Learning is interactive- this happens through communication. Learning through our environment takes place because we learn from others and they learn from us to.
    ~Learning is basic- association can be strengthened by constant exercise , and when connection becomes established leads to character of a habit

    3. Give your reaction to this:
    Teaching is an art.
    ~ people believe that teaching ends up in formalized that force students to perform and bureaucratizes learning. Besides, they argue, actual teaching involves great amounts of intuition, improvisation, and expressiveness, and effective teaching depends on high levels of creativity, sound judgment, and insight. Teaching involves complex judgments that unfold during the course of instruction. Teachers must deal creatively with the unexpected.

    Teaching is a science.
    ~ It is a science in that you can apply set principles and follow certain rules. As with an experiment, there are always variables to test; good teachers, like good scientists, are willing to adapt to doing their work in a different way if it doesn't work the first time. The goal is to learn even if by trial and error.

  9. 1. Five phases of learning
    -New behavior
    -Goal setting
    -Problem diagnosis

    2. What are the characteristics of learning? Explain each briefly.

    -Learning is a fundamental process of life.
    (learning is an everyday part of life)
    -It is a continuous process it effects all modes of behavior.
    (the process of learning continues as we live)
    -Learning is change in response or behaviour, may be favorable or unfavorable.
    (application of learning in real life situations or scenario)
    -It is a process of change not a product in the form of changed behaviour.
    (its a process not a change of behavior)
    -Learning takes place when an organism reacts in a situation.
    (the learning starts when we engage our self in to it)
    -Learning is universal.
    (learning is a must, everybody must possess knowledge in order to be more productive)
    -Learning is total reaction of the individual to the total situation.
    (a reaction in to real situations)
    -Learning is transferable.
    (you can influence everyone, you can share your ideas knowledge to people)
    -Learning is a process and not a product.
    (the process in learning continues)
    -The process of learning is determined by conscious as well as unconscious experiences.
    (our conscious and unconscious takes part in our learning)

    3. Give your reaction to this:
    Teaching is an art
    -art is beauty, teaching is beauty in a way that it gives knowledge and information to others. in this way people became knowledgeable in everything and can appreciate the beauty that an art brings.

    Teaching is a science
    -science apply principles and also it follows certain rules, it is the same in teaching that also follows some principles and certain rules by teaching.

  10. 1. Identify the 5 phases of learning.

    The 5 phases of learning:

    -Problem diagnosis

    -Goal setting

    -New behavior


    2. What are the characteristics of learning? Explain each briefly.

    -Learning is developmental
    It is something that we can enhance or improve. We develop learning through experience.

    -Learning is interactive
    One can learn when interacting with other people. By observing other people, we learn from it and we apply it in our daily life.

    -Learning is basic
    It is something than anybody can achieve. Just by using the 5 senses, we can already learn from our surroundings.

    3. Give your reaction to this:

    Teaching is an art.

    Teaching is an art because you must have passion and creativity in doing it. It is something beautiful. Everybody has their unique way of teaching that's why its also considered as art.

    Teaching is a Science

    Teaching is a science because it is a process that takes place in school. It is also a science because there are steps in teaching.

  11. 1. The five phases of learning
    a. Novice - beginning awareness of subject area, but only abstract concepts and ideas. Novices posses little or no ability to put ideas into practice in a reliable way. They apply their learning by following a set of rules without regard for context.
    b. Advanced Beginner - marginal learning to an acceptable performance level after gaining experience coping with real experiences. Start to understand the scope of the subject area and acknowledge their lack of knowledge about the discipline. Able to apply tools, processes, and principles in contexts that are similar to well-defined cases they have studied.
    c. Competent - exposure to and a working knowledge of a number of knowledge areas making up the subject. New skills and capabilities are being internalized with the ability to go beyond rule-bound procedures in a highly structured setting. Able to adapt their learning to different situations by analyzing changed circumstances and selecting among viable alternative.
    d. Proficient - gained from experience in diverse situations. Tools and concepts have been internalized and can be applied to a variety of situations without great effort. They have an intuitive, holistic grasp of a situation without having to decompose the problem prior to determining a solution.
    e. Expert - fully internalized both perception and action into their normal work processes. When things are going normally, all work is routine, doing "just what works." Reaching this stage involves a close relationship with another expert where additional learning is gained through continued exposure, observation, conversation and other interaction.

    2. Characteristics of learning.
    a)Learning is developmental. Includes the knowledge, skills, habits, talents of an individual by gaining experience as they grow.
    b)Learning is interactive. This is how the individual reacts to the environmental stimuli and learning from that experience. Reactions may be in verbal communication, manipulation and habit learning.
    c)Learning is basic. The individual is surrounded by his environment where stimulus is experienced everywhere with the 5 senses and emotions. The individual learns how to respond and distinguish what is important, good and bad.

    3. Teaching is an art because there is a unique way to connect with each person sitting in the classroom. One has to be innovative and creative, one has to be able to reinvent new ways of teaching since one way doesn't apply to all.
    Teaching is a science because there are principles and rules to follow just like science. There is some method to it as well.

  12. 1. Identify the 5 phases of learning.
    -Advance Beginner
    2. What are the characteristics of learning? Explain each briefly.
    1.Learning is a fundamental process of life.
    2.It is a continuous process it effects all modes of behaviour.
    3.Learning is change in response or behaviour, may be favorable or unfavorable.
    4.It is a process of change not a product in the form of changed behaviour.
    5.Learning takes place when an organism reacts in a situation.
    6.Learning is universal.
    7.Learning is total reaction of the individual to the total situation.
    8.Learning is transferable.
    9.Learning is a process and not a product.
    10.The process of learning is determined by conscious as well as unconscious experiences.

    3. Give your reaction to this:
    Teaching is an art.
    Art is any field using different skills or techniques. Just like in teaching,educators should use different strategies to acquire the desired learning/skills.

    Teaching is a science. Science means knowledge. Just like in teaching,the educators main target/goal is to acquire knowledge.To achieve this,certain steps/methods should be done just like in science.

  13. 3. “Teaching is an art. Teaching is a science.”
    Teaching, is both an art and a science. It is a science, when the teacher applies set principles and follows certain rules. Teachers also use observation, with an experiment, there are always variables to test. Teachers willing to adapt to doing their work in a different way if it doesn't work the first time. The goal is to learn -- even if by trial and error. As in science, theory and research build the foundation for what we as teachers do.
    Teaching is an art when those principles and rules don't work on a student and the teacher has to improvise. A teacher should also know how to relate with different personalities, keeping students engaged, building relationships, and balancing curriculum. Teacahers take the same exact curriculum but explain the
    The sum of the matter is this! They need to be artful to present the material in a light and festive atmosphere that is full of humor and creativity, questions and answers- an environment where learning can happen optimally.

    To get through to a student, a teacher must be creative. To impart knowledge onto their students, teachers must figure out how to catch their attention. Once a teacher masters how to catch their students' attention, teaching becomes an art. However, before then, all of the teaching "experiments" are science.

  14. 1.
    -Problem diagnosis
    -Goal setting
    -New behavior

    learning is developmental - We teachers know that learning never stops. And along the years there will always be something new to learn and new ways to teach. We must know how to adapt and develop ourselves to the never ending improvement.

    learning is interactive - even the theorists believe that learning is done best by interaction. Experience brings more lessons thatn trying to teach children inside the classroom.
    learning is basic - We need to recognize that learning is not complicated. As long as we have the right motivation and we never lose our curiosity, there will be things to learn.

    3. Teaching is an art and a science since we teach children to be creative and this is where art comes in. Our brain is subdivided with artistic and finite thinking. Subjects like Math and Science definitely explains that teaching is a science, it needs exact answers. Art because of subjects like Music, Arts and Literature. It needs creativity and sometimes do not require exact answers.

  15. identify the 5 phases and give an example in learning pricples
    2.problem diagnosis
    3.goal setting
    4. new behavor

    principles of learning give an example and meaning
    1.the learner must clearly perceive the goal
    2.the learner must be psychoogically and physiologically
    3the learner must be motivated to learn
    4 the learner must be active not passive for maximum learning
    5.the learner must repeat or pratice what he has learned in order to remember
    6.the learner put together the parts of task and perceive

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